Cosmetic Dental Services

Cosmetic Dental Services

Meadow Family Dental

Feel Confident in Your Smile

Our cosmetic dental services aim to remedy a variety of cosmetic issues. Dr. Hall’s ultimate goal is to help his patients feel more confident in their smile, and cosmetic procedures can often achieve that. Dr. Hall customizes each patient’s treatment plan to best achieve the smile they desire. In addition, he takes the time to explain how the procedure works and why it’s needed so that every patient feels informed and comfortable. Contact Dr. Logan B Hall, DDS at Meadow Family Dental today to learn more about our cosmetic dental services and to determine which procedure best fits your needs.

teeth whitening

Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening can give you a brighter, more radiant smile. There are several benefits to having your teeth whitened professionally. Our teeth whitening solution is much more concentrated than at-home solutions. Because of this, our procedure treats both surface stains and discolorations below the surface of the tooth. The highly-concentrated solution also ensures your teeth will stay whiter longer.



Clear aligners are an effective treatment for teeth straightening. Each Invisalign® removable aligner system is custom fit to each patient, ensuring a comfortable experience. Invisalign® aligners are more discreet and attractive than traditional braces, and they can be removed for activities such as eating, brushing your teeth, and sports. 

Your Invisalign® trays will be made using advanced digital impression technology that maps out the ideal alignment path based on the current position of your teeth.



Dental veneers are often the preferred cosmetic treatment of choice for aesthetic enhancements. Veneers are thin, porcelain facings that cover the outer surface of the tooth. Dr. Hall customizes your veneers to the desired shape and color, resulting in the beautiful smile you’ve been wanting.

Veneers are a great option for chipped or fractured teeth, unaesthetic spacing between teeth, or teeth that have deep, dark staining that do not respond to professional teeth-whitening. 

dental crowns

Crowns / Bridges

Dental crowns are similar to dental fillings in that they repair damaged teeth. However, as opposed to fillings, dental crowns are often used on severely decayed teeth or to protect teeth after a root canal procedure.

Dental bridges are artificial teeth that replace missing teeth. They are bonded to the surrounding teeth for support. Bridges can help prevent your other teeth from shifting into the empty space created by the missing tooth, as well as alleviate stress on your bite.


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