Preventative Dental Services

Preventative Dental Services

Meadow Family Dental

Improve Your Overall Oral Health

Our preventative dental services focus on detecting and preventing oral health problems. Investing in preventative oral care is one of the best ways to improve your overall oral health, regardless of age. Our preventative services can reduce the need for emergency procedures, minimize the risk of early tooth decay or gum disease, and lower the cost of dental care long-term.

dental checkup

General Check-Ups and Exams

During our general check-ups, Dr. Hall will examine your teeth, gums, soft palette, throat, and neck for any abnormalities or areas of concern. Dr. Hall will then discuss with you any necessary dental procedures he recommends in order to maintain your oral health (if any). Meadow Family Dental recommends that our patients receive a dental check-up and exam twice a year.

dental cleaning

Dental Cleanings

Our dental hygienists at Meadow Family Dental provide professional, painless cleanings for our patients. Dental cleanings remove the plaque, bacteria, and tartar that build up on your teeth over time. Our hygienists are specially trained to deeply clean and polish your teeth, making them look and feel clean and healthy.

dental x-ray

Dental X-Rays

Dental x-rays are an important part of maintaining overall oral health because they can help identify potential issues that aren’t yet visible to the naked eye. Dr. Hall uses dental x-rays of your teeth and gums to evaluate your oral health and identify problems, such as cavities, decay, or periodontal disease. We recommend getting updated dental x-rays annually, although this varies from patient to patient.

night guards

Night Guards

Night guards are used to treat Bruxism and snoring. Bruxism, or teeth grinding and clenching, can be painful and destructive for teeth. Night guards can help those who suffer from grinding or clenching while they sleep by providing a protective, cushioned barrier between teeth. Night guards are also used to treat snoring. Anti-snoring night guards work by bringing the jaw forward and reducing air flow resistance in the airway. If you suffer from Bruxism or snoring, Dr. Hall can provide a night guard that fits your needs.

oral cancer screenings

Oral Cancer Screenings

An oral cancer screening is a quick, preventative inspection of your mouth to check for any areas of concern. This screening is typically part of your semi-annual check up and involves an intra-oral and extra-oral examination. Oral cancer screenings are extremely important, as they can help identify early signs of oral cancer and, in turn, can allow for early treatment of the condition.

dental sealants


Dental sealants are resin coatings that protect your teeth from cavities by sealing deep grooves in the teeth. Sealants are typically placed on back molars, which can be difficult to reach with a toothbrush, creating the perfect environment for leftover food and bacteria to create a cavity. Sealants are quick and painless and last several years before needing to be reapplied.

fluoride treatment

Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride protects teeth from decay by strengthening our teeth and restoring the minerals that make our teeth hard. We strongly recommend fluoride treatments for children because their young teeth are at a higher risk of developing cavities. However, our fluoride treatments can also benefit adults, especially those that are at a higher risk of tooth decay.


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