Restorative Dental Services

Restorative Dental Services

Meadow Family Dental

Bring Back Your Natural Smile with Restorative Dental Services

Dr. Hall and the experienced team of dental professionals at Meadow Family Dental offer a range of restorative services. Our restorative dental services aim to repair or replace damaged teeth, bring back your natural smile, and prevent oral issues from occurring in the future.

dental fillings


Dental fillings repair holes in teeth causes by tooth decay and cavities. They are the most common restorative dental procedure. Many times, Dr. Hall identifies cavities before you, the patient, even realizes it’s there. Other times, you may experience tooth pain due to a cavity and come into the office for a remedy. Dr. Hall can repair the damaged tooth with a tooth-colored dental filling. Tooth-colored fillings are durable, but they also have the added benefit of being aesthetically pleasing, as they are hard to detect.

dental crowns

Crowns / Bridges

Dental crowns are similar to dental fillings in that they repair damaged teeth. However, as opposed to fillings, dental crowns are often used on severely decayed teeth or to protect teeth after a root canal procedure.

Dental bridges are artificial teeth that replace missing teeth. They are bonded to the surrounding teeth for support. Bridges can help prevent your other teeth from shifting into the empty space created by the missing tooth, as well as alleviate stress on your bite.


Dentures / Partials

Dentures are used to restore one’s bite and speech following extensive oral health issues. Meadow Family Dental offers both fixed and removable dentures. Removable dentures, as the name indicates, can be removed to sleep at night. In contrast, fixed dentures are supported by implants and are fixed permanently in the mouth. Dr. Hall can discuss which option is best for you based on your needs. 

A partial is a denture that replaces a missing tooth or teeth. While full dentures replace all of your natural teeth, a partial replaces a patient’s missing teeth and uses surrounding natural teeth for support. Partials help maintain the structure of your mouth and give you the confidence of a beautiful, complete smile.

dental implant restorations


Dental implants are one of the best methods available for permanently replacing one, two, or several teeth.  A comprehensive dental implant treatment plan consists of two phases, placement and restoration, resulting in a beautiful and complete smile. During the first phase, the implant is surgically placed into the underlying jawbone. Over a three-to-six month healing period, the implant will fuse to the bone. In the interim, a healing cap will be placed over the implant for protection. The implant restoration phase then occurs after the healing process is complete to replace the missing tooth or teeth.

implant restorations

Implant Restorations

Dental implant restorations occur after a dental implant has had time to fuse to the bone. This procedure is typically done three to six months after placing an implant, though the treatment timeline varies from patient to patient. During the restoration process, Dr. Hall will secure a permanent abutment and crown to your implant, fully restoring the tooth’s functionality. 

dental extractions


In some cases, tooth extractions are necessary to maintain the overall health of the mouth. You may need an extraction for oral problems such as severe tooth decay, tooth infections, and problems with baby teeth or wisdom teeth. Extractions are a typically quick procedure, and the extracted tooth is oftentimes replaced with a bridge or implant.

root canals

Root Canals

A root canal is performed when the soft center of a tooth, called the pulp, is damaged, inflamed, or infected. During this procedure, the damaged pulp will be removed and the tooth will be filled and sealed. Root canals relieve the pain caused by damaged pulp and restore the tooth back to a healthy state.


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